Vibration – and what is that high pitched noise that only you can hear?

The other day, I was watching telly when I got a really loud high-pitched noise in my ear, only it wasn’t coming from the television, or anywhere external to me. I could hear it only in my head and it seemed to be coming from my right ear. Naturally I was curious about this and decided to ask our spirit friend, Moo, what it was all about.

We have had a situation before, where we heard these high-pitched noises inside our heads, and Moo told us that they were downloads – i.e. some information being sent on a vibrational level to our subconscious for processing.

I wondered if it might be a download, although it did seem particularly larger than life. Moo explained that it was a message from my mum. He didn’t say what it was, as it was apparently meant specifically for me. Dan, being Dan, decided that as we are very similar in vibration, that he would try and find out what the message was. Hey presto, he managed it! – and found it was a message about protection and it was in answer to something that I had asked without really being conscious of it.

Since we and everything around us are made up of molecules vibrating at a particular rate, it makes sense that spirit would transmit messages and downloads of information in this way.

It is something to think about however, when you hear those high frequency noises coming from inside your head. It may be that someone is trying to give you some information. So, with that awareness you can always ask your intuition what it is about.

If you can’t get an answer, don’t worry. Be comforted by the fact that there is someone there looking out for and helping you. If you are at all worried that the vibration or information might be from a dark or unhelpful energy then remember you can always ask 3 times whether the originator or energy is from the light.

There is a universal law that states that beings must answer truthfully if you ask 3 times. You can also ask for, or invoke, divine protection and it is a useful thing to do in any case as there are many unhelpful energies floating about. For example, all the negative images and messages on social media, or the news, or just in the heads of people around you.

If you make it a habit to ask for divine protection then you can’t go far wrong. I am so used to using my intuition inside a protected field of energy that can only do good, that I don’t have to think about it anymore. It has become second nature.

Although we can’t understand these messages or downloads at first, we may find that we have a creative thought or a helpful idea a short while later. This is your subconscious translating it for you and bringing it up to your conscious attention.

Other times though, you don’t need to translate the message! There was a time, not long after my mum had died, when my dad and I were having a massive argument and shouting at one another. Quite suddenly, in the middle of all this, came a very high pitched noise, that I knew for a fact did not come from the smoke alarm, the refrigerator or any of the other electrical items in the house.

We both stopped dead and I said, ‘What was that?’  He said, ‘Probably your mum.’ I agreed it was probably her, telling us to shut up! This made us both laugh and we were able to leave the argument and move on.

So bear in mind, spirit, being nonphysical, can use vibration in various different ways, and is particularly good at making high-pitched noises, whether inside or outside of your head. So pay attention next time and see if there is anything you need to know. And if you’re in the middle of a row. Well… you know what to do! 😉